This is a great one if you fancy some stodge!

Something that I've always enjoyed from time to time is a pasty. I'm not overly adventurous, I'll usually just grab a 'Peter's Corned Beef' or a Chicken Tikka slice if it takes my fancy but lately I've felt like actually having a go at making my own. I have a friend who regularly makes them and they turn out fab so I thought it was time to dig around the corners of the internet for some ideas for some good fillings. That's how I ended up with spicy chicken and bacon...
- 200g Diced Chicken
- 4 Bacon Rashers- chopped
- 3-4 Mushrooms- chopped
- 1 Onion- sliced finely
- 1 Chilli- deseeded and sliced finely
- 1 sheet of Puff Pastry
- 2-3 Tbsp Milk for the Pastry
- Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
- Fry chicken in a lightly oiled pan until golden and then place to one side.
- Fry bacon, onions, mushroom and chilli together until cooked.
- Roll out pastry on a floured surface and cut out desired shapes of pasties.
- Add a few spoonfuls of filling and fold over pastry, pressing the edges down firmly.
- Lightly brush the pasties with a bit of milk and place in oven for around 20 minutes. The pasties should have risen and turned golden.
These pasties are incredibly easy to make! I'm now on the lookout for even more fillings to use. Although I thought the filling in this batch was good, I thought them a little dry for my taste so next time I'll make something with a little more sauce in it!
What have you been baking?
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